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Text File | 1997-02-14 | 27.8 KB | 1,151 lines |
- /\/\PAGE/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
- Welcome to the room of smutt, arguments, petting, bad taste
- and just about life in general. This is the place where we get
- together and have a good old chat. With me today are the following
- people.... well maybe people is not a very operative description :)
- There is little me (??), here on my CD³² with SX32 MKII, and my
- 68030 processor (it does me fine).
- Arnie Finen (The big man) on his A4000/060 which he found in the back
- of a truck (only joking). Not at work today as this is a Friday
- evening (about 5.30 PM).
- Nick on his ample A1200, probably eating when we did this as he always
- is.
- Also our regular contributor Stevie boy, also on an A1200.
- And finally Debbie at home using her A500 (that was mine in case you
- didn't know.... what? Oh sorry, you already knew? I didn't realise
- I mentioned it that much!).
- I think you might find this one interesting. Read on....
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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- STEVE: Me first, hello every one. Nice to be back
- ARNIE: Yo Dan man!
- DAN: Well, quite.
- NICK: Hi y'all.
- DAN: Something's missing, Deb you there?
- DAN: Ha ha, where did she go?
- STEVE: Oh no! We haven't lost her!!
- DAN: Looks like it.
- STEVE: well if shes not here I'm off as I only come on here to flirt with
- her.
- DAN: You're telling me. Don't worry, I'll get her back. Give us a sec.
- Talk amongst yourselfs.
- ARNIE: What a day. I have just got up. you know when you sleep too long
- and you wake up and are still knackered, even though you have had
- 16 hours kip?
- NICK: I do it all the time.
- STEVE: I dont i always need to get up for college at 7:30 AM, and I go
- to bed at about 2AM. I undersleep. Spend all night on my bloody Amiga.
- I come in at 4, straight on the Amiga till 2AM, who needs a social life?!
- NICK: Good advice. Amiga comes first.
- ARNIE: I hurt my leg, I just woke up and it has been wrecking!
- STEVE: Aha, wonder what you were doing. Or shouldn't we ask?
- DAN: Right, say hello Debbie
- DEB: hello Debbie
- DAN: You're very funny :(
- STEVE: Deb!!!! Hello!
- DEB: hi steve
- STEVE: Hi baby.
- DEB: Im only a year younger than you so you must be a baby as well
- STEVE: Call me baby by all means.
- DEB: okay baby
- STEVE: WOaahh!
- DAN: You've done it now Deb
- DEB: sorry
- DAN: GOOD! SO YOU SHOULD BE!! Any way, Deb any one there with you?
- DEB: not yet but Natalie will be here soon she wants to talk to you
- DAN: Oh great :(
- STEVE: Cool I finally get to talk to the legend
- DAN: Yes. Steve leave my sister alone and put full focus on Natalie,
- get her to go for you instead of me and I owe you £200 ! But when
- she is 18 I can have her back. :)
- STEVE: Me use a girl like that?
- DAN: Oh yes.
- STEVE: Alright.
- DEB: im going to tell her
- DAN: So my word against yours. I can charm her
- DEB: i know. I am still in a mood with you after today
- DAN: hee hee! I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that.
- ARNIE: Go on then tell all.
- DAN: I went to the folks house today. They were all out
- and only Deb was in, so I went there to collect some stuff. Deb was
- watching a film, so i decided to stay for a bit and watch. You know
- how things go I threw a cussion at her, and she threw it back. And I
- then threw it back hard and it knocked a cup of cold coffee off the fire
- place and all over Deb, it was sooooooo funny!! :)
- DEB: for you it might have been but not for me.
- DAN: She put her arms out and her hair was all dripping and she looked at me
- with that expression that says "You bastard!". she just sat parylised for
- about a minute in shock. And she told me to get her a towel but I was just
- in fits of laughter on the couch. Hope you washed your hair since then.
- DEB: i wash it every day.
- DAN: Me too.
- STEVE: That is so cruel Dan. I hope she got her revenge.
- DAN: Well she dived on me and tried to hold me down but me being the
- big strong dude that I am (modest as well), easily over powered her.
- STEVE: Woooaaahhhww. I wish she'd dive on me. You don't ever realise
- the good things you get up to Dan.
- DAN: with my sister? NO THANKS!
- STEVE: Oh yeah, I forgot.
- ARNIE: Dan, did you like PE at school?
- DAN: PE? I always was conveniently somewhere else when we had PE :)
- ARNIE: I loved it, cricket, balls, swimming.
- STEVE: We used to do canoeing, that was okay but I hate football and
- all the physical sports.
- DEB: I dont like PE but the teacher lets us off only about 2 girls
- do PE the rest of us just watch and sit and talk.
- DAN: Is the teacher a man?
- DEB: yes
- DAN: thought so.
- ARNIE: Any news of getting Page easily downloadable from the Internet yet?
- DAN: No I haven't got around to trying, being too busy.
- STEVE: I tried to make a homepage for myself. But I don't much sod all
- about HTML files. I tried using programs like Webplug to make one but they
- are too complicated, after I have the page I don't know what to do with it.
- DAN: Try Webmaster that turns normal text files into HTML using mouse clicks
- you can add graphics and stuff. After you have it save it all on a 720K PC
- disk using Crossdos and then you need to use a web search like Yahoo and
- look for Webpage sites. Lots are free and then you just upload the files
- off your disk with mouse clicks, and they store it for you.
- STEVE: Alright. Hey, you know Amiga User Int has gone up to £4.25 in
- price, WH Smith have sill been charging me £3.99 for the past few months.
- DAN: Yeah they have me too!
- STEVE: What mags do you get?
- DAN: All of then, Amiga User, Amiga Format, CU Amiga Magazine, Amiga
- Computing/Amiga Action, and Amiga Review.
- STEVE: is that girl here yet Deb?
- DEB: no but she should be here very soon
- DAN: I'm not having you two going on all through the conf
- STEVE: Why not?
- DAN: Well it's boring to read, but it will get her off my back.
- STEVE: it won't be boring
- DEB: i thought you liked me
- STEVE: I do, you are still the best Deb. Unless this Natalie is better
- looking than you, which I doubt :-)
- DAN: you womaniser Steve! :)
- DEB: yes
- STEVE: I'm only joking. You knocked coffee over her so you can shut up.
- DAN: That was so funny, every time you say it I laugh my head off.
- DEB: you will get yours
- DAN: Ha ha, I was only getting my own back for you elbowing me in the face.
- ARNIE: Did you get your tooth sorted?
- DAN: Yep, I've got a bridge in my mouth !!
- ARNIE: Ouch, i knew you have a big gob but a bridge?
- DAN: I haven't got a big mouth, I'm very quiet :), by bridge I mean
- like a big filling.
- STEVE: so you and Deb always have scrap ups?
- DAN: No more than the averge family. Not proper fights of course, the
- usual play fights if you know what I mean.
- ARNIE: You never grow out of that.
- STEVE: What type of thing?
- DAN: You know, gentle smacks on her head with papers, throwing pillows
- at her, by brother has a great trick of getting info out of her. Well
- he used to.
- DEB: you try that and i'll get mam on to you.
- DAN: You grasser! :)
- STEVE: How do you get info
- DAN: He used to get her down on the floor, and sit on her, sticking
- his knees in her shoulders. Know what I mean, but it's a bit
- difficult now that she's older. Ahem ahem!
- DEB: aww shut up!
- DAN: Well it's true! I have my own ways of getting info, I just
- try traditional methods of getting info out of my brother and my sister.
- with Mitch I just twist his ears and he tells me everything! It's great,
- but Deb is still at the age where she can tell my mam and I'll get a
- bollocking. I still haven't found out who she's going out with.
- DEB: your losing it Dan
- DAN: I know. I see you more than Mitch and you tell him.
- DEB: you know any way
- DAN: I have a fair idea yes. But no confirmation.
- DEB: wait there natalie is here
- DAN: Here we go
- STEVE: Smashing!
- DAN: Modern word :/
- ARNIE: Dan it's true, you either love you or you hate you.
- DAN: Yep that is so true. I'll either be one of the coolest people you've
- met, or you will think I am an obnoxious dick head. There are
- things about me I don't get why people get that impression.
- DEB: I know some one who loves you dan
- DAN: Go on then
- DEB: wait I need to remember how to put her name on the top buttons
- DAN: Go to Sig on the menu, and then in the HOTKEY bit, it says F1, in
- the box next to it type her name.
- DEB: wait
- DAN: She sounds like a computer there. You type something, it prints
- Like the old C64. You type LOAD, it says
- etc.
- STEVE: don't call my Deb a computer. If she was she would be an Amiga
- DAN: Hmmn, is that an insult.
- NATALIE: hi sexy!
- NATALIE: hello?
- DAN: Oh you're talking to me! Sorry.
- NATALIE: who else?
- STEVE: me?
- NATALIE: debs told me all about you.
- STEVE: are you a babe?
- NATALIE: yeah but I am reserved
- DAN: are you now?
- NATALIE: im 17 in a few weeks then only a year until i am 18 and you said.
- DAN: Don't hold me to it.
- DAN: And don't make any leude comments about that. Let me rephrase it,
- don't keep me to it.
- NATALIE: we were made for each other
- DAN: ha ha. Yessssss...
- NATALIE: what do you say then
- DAN: 18... hmmmmnnn, maybe ;)
- NATALIE: Yeessss! get in.
- DAN: excuse me!?
- NATALIE: sorry
- ARNIE: Dan, since you keep going ona bout metting the Spice Girls,
- then I dug this out for you.
- DAN: I don't go on. They all smell of pepper.
- ARNIE: This is the lyrics and some dodgy little bits off the web to
- their first song:
- YO! ;Hmm... cheesy start
- I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want
- ;go on then
- So tell me what you want, what you really really want
- ;well tell us then
- I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want
- ;er yeah, get on with it will you?
- So tell me what you want, what you really really want
- ;Jesus Christ! yes tell us, TELL US!!
- I wanna huh
- I wanna huh
- I wanna huh
- I wanna huh
- I wanna really really really wanna zigazig ahh!
- ;Thats it? U wanted to tell me that you would
- like to 'zigazig ahh'. Well why the hell did u want
- to tell me that? R u mental or something
- If you want my future ;who said I wanted any of you
- Forget my past gladly
- If you wanna get with me ;get what with you? some
- groceries?
- Betta make it fast ;er... get with u fast? R u on a
- timer or something? Probably sharing out
- the brains amongst the five of u
- Now don't go wasting
- my precious time ;hmmm... u dont love yourself do u??
- get your act together
- we could be just fine
- ;my act? MY BLOODY ACT? urs is shite so lets sort that
- out first shall we?
- CHORUS: ;apparently, this is the good bit.
- I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want
- ;o christ not again
- So tell me what you want, what you really really want
- ;if u r going to huh and zigazig ahh again I'm going to...
- I wanna huh ;I wanna hurl
- I wanna huh ;I wanna hurl
- I wanna huh ;I wanna hurl
- I wanna huh ;I wanna hurl
- I wanna really really really wanna zigazig ahh! ;zigazig ahh.
- yea right, that must have taken a lot of thought
- If you wannabe my lover ;which I don't
- You gotta get with my friends ;huh? an orgy?
- Make it last forever ;make what last forever? the orgy?
- Friendship never ends ;erm... was that a case of 'yeah,
- that ryhmes put it in???
- If you wannabe my lover ;I DON'T! GET THE MESSAGE!!
- You have got to give ;well I never
- Taking is too easy ;oo, meaningful, maybe this song did require
- more than 30 seconds of thought
- but thats the way it is ;then again...
- What d'you think about that? ;oo, I'm really impressed
- now you know how I feel ;I really don't care
- Say you can handle my love
- are you for real? ;well if it matches your brains I could
- take all of you on
- I won't be hasty ;hold up, I thought it had to be fast..?
- I'll give you a try ;I'm so bloody priveliged
- If you really bug me ;Me? BUG YOU???
- then I'll say goodbye ;yea, I'm bugging you, GO AWAY!
- Chorus again, how annoying.
- ;oo, this next bit makes so much sense
- So.. heres the story from A to Z ;A story, ok. start from A then.
- By the way, I'm from Nottingham as well and I say zed, not zee.
- You wanna get with me you gotta listen carefully ;I still
- don't want to
- We've got 'M' in the place who likes it in your face
- ;M? I thought this story began at A? Anyway, what
- does M like in your face?
- You got 'G' like MC who likes it on a... ;'M', 'G', hmmm...
- what happened to the A to Z bit? And the story for that matter.
- Easy V doesn't come for free, she's a real lady. ;no. She is a
- prostitute, obviously. Look at the start of the video
- And as for me, ha you'll see ;I can't wait.
- Slam your body down and whine it all around
- ;slam your body down? why?
- Slam your body down and whine it all around
- ;How the hell do you whine your body?
- If you wannabe my lover ;I DON'T LIKE YOU! U R SHITE!
- You gotta, you gotta, you gotta, you gotta, you gotta, SLAM!
- ;I don't have to slam anything
- Make it last forever ;the endless orgy again??
- Slam your body down and whine it all around
- Slam your body down and whine it all around
- Slam your body down and whine it all around
- Slam your body down and zigazig ahh
- ;Yeah, lets all zigazig ahh. I can't wait
- If you wannabe my lover
- ;Just SHUT UP
- ;about bloody time!
- DAN: Hmmmn, interesting. Who put the comments in?
- ARNIE: Can't remember where I got it from so no credit to them.
- DAN: Nah, the Spices are lovely lasses.
- NATALIE: im better
- DAN: Even if you do say so yourself eh?
- NATALIE: yes
- STEVE: Natalie tell me what you look like.
- NATALIE: black hair dark brown eyes slim average height
- STEVE: Long hair?
- NATALIE: about down to my elbows
- STEVE: MMmmnnn. Sounds alright. What do you reckon Dan?
- DAN: i'm saying nothing.
- STEVE: Last time yo said she was very attractive
- DAN: Did i?
- NATALIE: great!
- ARNIE: natalie I think you're work has paid off :-)!!
- DAN: Sod off Arnie
- NATALIE: I knew you would see sense
- DAN: haha, ggrrrrrrr. You're cheesing me off
- DAN: and no comments about that, i'll rephrase it, your all annoying me!
- NATALIE: i wouldnt do that gorgeous.
- NATALIE: debs coming back on now
- DAN: I never though I'd say this, but "good".
- STEVE: I`ll agree.
- DEB: hi
- STEVE: Why don't you go with that natalie dan
- DAN: Because she is a bit too young yet.
- STEVE: 17? You dont have trouble finding girls though, I do!
- DAN: Well I'm taking a break now for a bit.
- ARNIE: last time he was with some one for about a year, then found some
- one else and split up with the first girl and he stayed with number 2 for a
- week end, and then was single for 2 days then found some one else the
- day after and stayed with her for four weeks. Gets round more than a french
- man living next door to a brothel.
- DAN: Hahah. That last one was a right BITCH though. I've give up, sod
- them, who needs them? I've decided to go single from now on. More
- than likely change my mind next time some stunner asks me out though.
- DEB: natalie said wait for her.
- DAN: Right.
- ARNIE: have you seen the Nerd survey on the net?
- DAN: YES! I saw that about an hour ago. I stumbled over it by accident.
- ARNIE: what did you get?
- DAN: 14/100, I'm supposedly a Nerd Wannabe.
- ARNIE: I'm more of a Nerd then, I got 26/100.
- DAN: Oh well.
- NATALIE: your not a nerd
- DAN: Well I've never been called one, so I hope I'm not.
- NATALIE: nerds have greasy hair and spots with glasses
- DAN: Well I have none of them.
- STEVE: Shit, I have a few spots and a bit of greasy hair, I'm screwed!
- NATALIE: ooh got to clean up if you want to be sexy like dan
- DAN: Haha, don't embarrass me!
- NATALIE: its true
- DAN: Well I'm not a vain bugger
- DAN: Whoops wrong type of vein!
- ARNIE: I broke my glasses today. Hose me hundreds they did I stood on them
- and they crunched up.
- DAN: And they say that only happens in the movies. What you doing 'til then
- because you're blind as a bat.
- ARNIE: Good old contacts.
- DAN: I'm lucky in that my vision is perfect, but the idea of contacts would
- be enough to put me off.
- NATALIE: your all perfect not just your eyes but they are a nice deep sexy
- brown.
- DAN: Right.
- ARNIE: Cows eyes.
- DAN: Cheeky git.
- NICK: Hear about Noel Gallagher. I like Oasis but the drugs thing was over
- the top.
- DAN: Well I think Oasis are crap, all their songs are a sack of pooh, and
- them two. What dick heads. What were his comments, "Most of the country is
- on drugs". That only proves my point. Maybe about 15-20% are, at the MOST,
- maybe a few thousand out of millions and millions.
- ARNIE: he said it was as normal as getting a cup of tea
- DAN: Maybe to that addict it is, but to the rest of the saine world they see
- it is not. Pumping a needle full of herion into your arm is not like
- pouring a cuppa. I know lots about drugs, I worked with a drug rehabilition
- scheme a couple of years ago, even though I only worked there for a month,
- the states I saw you wouldn't believe. How many cuppas have wrecked
- people's lifes and killed them? Rock wannabes like them lot always try to
- be outrageous, and the comments don't do them and justice.
- NATALIE: I dont like oasis any way they are so ugly.
- ARNIE: I know
- DAN: Why the hell they are not in jail by now is any ones guess. Every
- picture you see of that Liam he has one eye on his scalp and one on his
- chin, he is always totally stoned out of his head. They openly admit that
- they take illegal substances and were even caught in the possesion of
- Cocaine a few months ago. Then that's our crappy law isn't it?
- ARNIE: Remember Richard Branson was trying to go round the world in his
- baloon a few weeks ago?
- DAN: yeah
- ARNIE: He's going to try again apparently.
- DAN: Doens't this guy own an airline?
- DAN: Does he know something we don't. Probably won't use his own insurance!
- ARNIE: My brother is coming to stay with me soon.
- DAN: Who? He of olde name?
- ARNIE: Burt, nice name.
- NICK: ha ha!! BURT? !
- ARNIE: Yes
- DAN: That is a very old name. If you heard of some one called Burt then
- you would expect them to be about 80 years old.
- ARNIE: My name is pretty old Arnold
- DAN: Yeah. Dan, Deb, Nick, Steve and Natalie are all modern names, you
- can tell people's age by their names in a round about kind of way.
- Like people called Ivy and Edith, Charles and Franklin are all old names
- that are not in use.
- ARNIE: Dan was in the top 10 names for babies last year.
- DAN: I know. Did you know Ian wasn't even in the top 50?
- ARNIE: Really?
- DEB: was I in there
- DAN: I've got it over in the drawer, wait there.
- DEB: right
- NICK we need some hold music
- DAN: Right, let's see.... not in the top 20, Ah, there at number 36.
- DEB: oh wow.
- DAN: Well, at least you're in the top 50 :) Debbie is a shit name any way.
- DEB: its not
- DAN: It is, not a nice name to say Debb-ie.
- STEVE: I think its a very nice name, a good name for babes.
- DAN: hhrrrmmm. OK, suit yourself.
- DEB: what about natalie
- DAN: Erm, hang on! 25 it is at.
- DEB: okay
- STEVE: Me me me!
- DAN: OK.
- DAN: .......................oh durggh! Help if I looked at the boys list!
- STEVE: It would help.
- DAN: 18
- STEVE: Good.
- DAN: And Nick is at 29
- ARNIE: Heard the results of the survey about kids with out both parents?
- DAN: Yeah, 2 million with single parents.
- ARNIE: I couldn't live with out both parents.
- DAN: My grandfather ran away from my nana just before my mam was born and
- they never saw him again.
- NATALIE: my parents split up when I was 13 I cried for weeks.
- DAN: I know, it must be difficult. My parents have been through touchy
- moments but they have always got back together.
- NATALIE: i live with my mother now but I see my dad now and then
- DAN: How often?
- NATALIE: i went with my sister on new years day and that was the last time.
- DAN: Dos he live out of your area
- NATALIE; yes in liverpool
- DAN: Yeah.
- ARNIE: A lot of single parents are young kids who have children and then the
- dad runs away with some one else and they are left with the child.
- DAN: Yes, that's why people need to be educated.
- ARNIE: But what I don't get is why has this happened? Why have the amount
- of children and young girls getting pregnant has tripled.
- DAN: Well i can't answer that really. Sex is every where these days, with
- the young generation it is a passing thing, every day, every where, and no
- body is really offended by it in the younger generation. Some of the old
- people find it very scary, and maybe it is. But to young people it is
- acceptable now, and maybe it is a bad thing that it is so easy these days
- and is so acceptable. People say it has risen, but it wasn't totally
- non-existant in the old days, but people really shunned it then and kept it
- very hush hush. If a mother had a 15 year old daughter who was expecting
- then the rest of the town would be disgraced and they would rush out of the
- town and keep it quiet.
- STEVE: you get the old people upset at sex.
- DAN: Sex starved old bags!
- STEVE: Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
- DAN: No offence people!
- ARNIE: like these 18-30 holidays, legal prostitution.
- NICK: Dan, can I ask a question?
- DAN: no
- NICK: Have you ever been on one?
- DAN: No I haven't. Wait a sec, this is really pissing me off! My monitor
- screen keeps flickering a jumping, I have to keep banging the desk to fix
- it.
- NICK: Are you going to fix it now?
- DAN: No, I'll have to strip the wires down I think, I'll leave it until
- after this.
- DAN: ARrghh!! Damn thing. there I kicked the shit out of the desk. Sorted
- for the moment.
- ARNIE: people say you should never hit machinery or electronics stuff but it
- always seems to work.
- DAN: Yeah, give it a good hard bashing (matron) and it will fix it trust me.
- Then again I knackered a CDTV doing that, but I must have fixed about 40
- things by hitting them. Including a few people :). No, just joking on the
- people bit.
- ARNIE: Seen Carl Sassenraths web page recently?
- DAN: Yes, some very thought provocing ideas on there. Check it out readers:
- HTTP://www.sassenrath.com
- Carl was part of the original team who made the Amiga in the early 1980s.
- STEVE: I will have a look on Monday afternoon when I am next at college and
- i can go on the net. I am on CIX here.
- DAN: Yeah check it out. Girls? You still there?
- DEB: yes were here.
- DAN: Disturbingly quiet at that end.
- DEB: just watching
- DAN: The female of the species is one of the fastest modes of communication
- DEB: here we go with Dan trying to be funny by doing a sexist joke
- DAN: No. You mean? The fastest means of communication, the three Ts.
- Telephone, Telegram, and Tell-a-girl.
- DEB: yes very funny
- DAN: Why did I complain that you had shut up?!
- DEB: because you love me really
- DAN: Oh yeah? Keep it down Debs, don't tell every one.
- NATALIE: no I love you dan
- DAN: We're getting back to Love 1 and 2 again. Natalie you don't love me.
- NATALIE: i do
- ARNIE: No youre thinking of lust
- NATALIE: well I lust after you then
- DAN: Weh-Hey! That sounded good.
- NATALIE: I know .
- STEVE: Merry Xmas Dan
- DAN: Thanks even though it is February 1997?
- STEVE: In time for next year.
- DAN: OK, drive safely.
- DEB: tell natalie about the parrot
- DAN: Natalie has never heard me tell the parrot story?
- DEB: no
- STEVE: Me neither!
- DAN: Alright. Here we go. A mate of mine called Robert was looking after a
- man's house for him while he went on holiday. Robert promised to look after
- the house and tidy up for him and keep the garden nice. So Robert was in
- the house a couple of days before the man was due back tidying up, and
- vacuum cleaning the place, and he knocked the parrot cage over!
- STEVE: Oooh.
- DAN: Yeah, so he opened the parrot cage and took the parrot out, and it was
- cold and hard. Oh oh! What the hell would he do now? So he was left with
- the only thing he could do. He went off down town and spend loads of money
- on a brand new parrot that looked very similar. He took the bird back to
- the house and put it in the cage, cleaned the mess up, and went home for the
- night, after putting the dead bird a few foot under the ground in the back
- garden.
- The next morning Robert went to meet the owner back off his holidays.
- Then they went for a pint. That night the owner rang Robert and told him
- the house was very nice. Robert said that he looked after it the best he
- could. Robert could hear the bird chirping away in the back ground, and
- Robert said "Bird's very chirpy tonight", and then the owner replied, "I
- know, I had been meaning to talk to you about that, it shouldn't be chirpy",
- Robert then is a bit nervy that he has got the wrong type, Robert asked
- "Why?", and the owner told him, "The parrot was stuffed!".
- STEVE: Ha ha ha ha!!!!!! GOOD STORY!
- NATALIE: brilliant
- DAN: It still makes me laugh.
- ARNIE: Dan tell them about the dentist who had to pay that woman that you
- got off the Wierd Stories (BOONIE) web site today.
- DAN: Wait, I've got them all printed out over there, hang on.
- STEVE: I'm hanging!
- DAN: Oh yes! I've found it. What do you think of this? A dentist
- in New York cirt has been ordered to pay compensation to a woman patient who
- broke her fingers in his operating room. When the dentist was putting the
- general anasthetic into the womans gum she had to grab something, so she
- just grabbed the nearest thing to her which happened to be the dentists
- testicles! She grabbed them and broke her fingers on them, the dentist has
- to pay her compensation!
- That has me puzzled, the American's are soooo mad! To break her fingers she
- must have grabbed mighty hard, and I would imagine that the dentist would
- have been in much more pain! And the fact that the woman could have
- probably filed for sexual harassment if he even leant over her and touched
- her chest accidently, and she can grab his balls and get away free and get
- payed for her efforts is crazy! The dentist should be the one getting the
- payment.
- ARNIE: I would agree with that.
- NATALIE: ouch, poor man.
- DAN: That annoys me Natalie!
- NATALIE: i wouldnt upset you babe.
- DAN: I was watching a film the other day with a couple of female friends of
- mine (it was good!), and some one got kicked in the nuts and both of them
- went "Oooww!", and I just sat there and tried to stop my eyes watering. How
- the hell can they ever imagine how it feels?
- NATALIE: i can probably imagine
- DAN: Well you don't know the pain. Giving birth? Doddle compared to a kick
- in the goolagongs.
- STEVE: Yes Dan!
- NATALIE: sorry I'*******/\/\/\/\PAGE/\/\/\/\*******
- etter.
- DAN: EEeeeh, and who says men have the dirty minds? Natalie
- NATALIE: yes
- DAN: Not while I'm still breathing
- NATALIE: if you breathe heavily I wont mind
- DAN: Haha, OK. First thing I've had to take out tonight.
- ARNIE: I was talking with a mate today about, if you could have any thing
- now what would it be. What are you most desiring at this moment
- DAN: Right now, I really fancy a nice big bowl of Chocolate Ice Cream.
- I'm right in the mood, I'm going shopping soon so I'll buy a nice tub.
- NATALIE: you would look really erotic slowly eating chocolate ice cream
- DAN: Oh good :) Natalie should come to the clubs with me and start talking
- to me like you do now, guaranteed I would have about 10 women around me.
- That's the thing with girls if they think they can't have it, they will damn
- well prove everyone wrong!
- NATALIE: i will gladly come out with you
- DAN: I was only joking.
- NATALIE: in a year
- DAN: who knows?
- ARNIE: Go on then, what would you all have?
- NATALIE: I would have dan and the ice cream
- DAN: Me too! :)
- NICK: I would have 5 packets of M&Ms.
- DAN: you fat sod
- STEVE: I would have debbie here in a swim suit ... wwwoooaaahh!
- DAN: Well I never would have guessed!!
- DEB: right now I would go back to bed because I am so tired
- STEVE: That would come later!
- DEB: oh right!
- DAN: Easily pleased Deb, go to bed. I wish I could I have to be at work for
- 9 PM. I won't get back until 4 AM, so don't you come around here
- at 11 AM again.
- DEB: I will and natalie can come
- DAN: You try it girl! Come around tommorow though because I have got some
- things for you.
- DEB: great about 6 pm
- DAN: Yeah sure. Time to go now every one
- NICK: alright Danny, see you in the week!
- DAN: Sure Nick.
- NICK: bye every one
- DAN: Arnie, see ya!
- ARNIE: alright mate, bye every one.
- DAN: Bye Steve!
- STEVE: Bye Dan, be back next time. girls i love you both.
- DAN: Bye girls!
- DEB: bye dan see you tommorow. bye steve
- NATALIE: Bye sexy, and bye Steve
- STEVE: I am sexy!
- NATALIE: I have to see it to believe it
- DAN: Right, sod off every one.
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